Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Will you pay the price?

By Bruce Keith
Everything has its price. Success has its price. Failure has its price. Gaining weight has its price. Losing weight has its price. Doing more business has its price. Doing less business has its price.
Everything comes with a price. The process goes like this:
1. Decide what you want.
2. Calculate the price.
3. Decide if you are prepared to pay that price.
4. Begin by paying the price – or move on and stop thinking about it.
Here is your action step. The tricky part seems to be somewhere between items #2 and #3 above. What’s the price and will I pay it? Let’s look at #2 first. Here’s how you can calculate the price:
1. Write out exactly what it is you want (for example: $50,000 extra income).
2. Calculate the activities required to acquire that goal. Specifically, what do I have to do to make this happen (such as set 40 more appointments and make 10 more sales)?
3. Now decide what you have to do to perform those activities. Can you do the necessary activities? Do you have the skills to do those activities? If not, are you prepared to do the work required to learn those skills (such as more prospecting)?
4. Build this commitment into your schedule. What would I have to give up? What would I have to change (get up earlier each day and allow no interruptions)?
Now you have the price calculations completed. All that is left is to decide the answer to this question: “Am I prepared to perform those activities on an ongoing basis and in a consistent fashion?” Sometimes this decision can take a little time. That’s okay, just don’t take too long. Don’t drag it out. If you can’t decide quickly, all that really says is that you are not prepared to pay the price. Move on with your life. Wishing and hoping doesn’t change anything. And remember… excuses. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The $2500 Wine Cellar

Interested in starting a wine cellar?  This week we begin with the 2500$ wine cellar