Friday, December 23, 2011

Ahhh a champagne Pirate that I can get behind

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Public invited to AIDS awareness event tonight

Public invited to AIDS awareness event tonight

Are You Mobile Ready?

Likely no business has experienced the change the internet has brought more than Real Estate.
It began with Web sites, advanced to Email and now we love em and leave em with our auto listings on Matrix.
Now we are faced with the growth of Mobile based Clients and that sector grows daily. By 2013 its expected that more people will use their  phones than PCs to get online.
So the question is are you ready or more importantly is the Website you spent thousands of dollars on mobile ready?
There is a terrific site  that answers that question for you. Its called GO/MO and best of all its free and they send you a nifty little report you can send to your tech person.

Fast, effective and Free...gotta love that.